Saturday, March 23, 2013


We just adopted Roo yesterday, 3/22/2013! He is an awesome cat! He is comfortable with his new home already, and with our dog Doober, who we also rescued from PAR 2 years ago! Roo is special because he has a gimpy back leg. He was injured when he was young and his leg fused together and he can't bend it. The people at PAR were worried that no one would want him because of this. Well let me tell you, he can jump as high as any other cat and run just as fast too! He is a lover and the first time I held him, he nuzzled his head under my chin and stayed there! I fell in love with him right then and there! His cute nose and his gimpy limp add to his wonderful personality! He already has a nickname: Roo Boo Kitty!

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